
Read our blog for insights about the history, culture, gastronomy, and festivals of Astypalea, as well as tips for the island, and get inspired for your next trip.

Kallichoron Art Boutique Hotel Celebrates its 10th Anniversary

Kallichoron Art Boutique Hotel proudly announces the 10th anniversary celebration event of continued business.

Reflecting on 10 years of elevated hospitality, Maria Mavroudi, co-Founder of Kallichoron, said “I take great pride in our accomplishments over the last decade, and I want to thank everyone who has accompanied and contributed on our journey thus far – our dedicated and talented people, our guests, and especially our business partners and associates. As we celebrate this important milestone, I am even more inspired about our personalized service, our innovative approach to guest satisfaction and our commitment to sustainable practices; it is more crucial than ever to work for a more sustainable tomorrow.”

Kallichoron on Google Success Stories

Google recently added Kallichoron in their Success Stories of Grow-with-Google, their collection of inspiring case studies featuring small businesses that use Google’s tools, services and training options to improve their operations and digital marketing to drive business impact.

Kallichoron rocks again at the Tourism Awards 2023!

Kallichoron Art Boutique Hotel has received two new distinctions, the Gold Award in the category of “Best Pet Friendly Environment” and the Bronze Award in the category of “Best Innovative Product” for “Kallichoron Grandma’s Basket by Alexandros Papandreou: Eat Like an Astypalean” at the prestigious Tourism Awards 2023, celebrating their 10th Anniversary.

Astypalea's aura and energy in Easter

Everyone chooses Astypalea for its aura and energy! An alternative and butterfly-shaped destination, invites you to discover its colors and scents at Easter. Visit beautiful Astypalea and immerse yourself in the worshipful atmosphere of the wonderful "Cyclad" of the Dodecanese.

Top recognition at Green Awards for sustainability and eco-living

Kallichoron Art Boutique Hotel received the Gold Award in the Category of Green Accommodation Service and the Platinum Award in the Services Pillar in Green Awards 2020 for its overall sustainability strategy and more specifically, its detailed program "Kallichoron Goes Green", aiming to reduce carbon footprint and encourage travelers to embrace sustainable practices during their holidays.

Astropalia’s castle has a key, and locks…

Although in Astypalea you will find interesting archaeological finds across different periods that testify to the prominent position of the island since early antiquity, the trademark and jewel of the island remains its famous Venetian Castle, which stands haughtily at the top of the hill of Chora.

Responsible Business Awards 2020 - Gold Winner

Kallichoron receives the Gold Hellenic Responsible Business Award for its Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Initiative “Kallichoron Room2Give” at Pireos 138 Benaki Museum!

The infant cemetery of Astypalea

The only one in the world and whose origins are lost in the centuries of history and in the legends of the Mediterranean.
